Sunday 4 March 2018

The Biggest Secret Never Told

The Biggest Secret Never Told

Life is a mystery,
to a degree, at a glance,
'til we look back in history,
and dig deep into our past.

Image result for men and giant skulls

By 'dig' I mean literally,
we are talking geology:
The study of rocks,
overlapping biology.

Yes, you heard right,
I stand uncorrected,
'cause every single rock,
can be DNA tested.

Inanimate rocks,
were once petrified trees.
If you think that's a lot,
to ingest hold on please.

To our very shock,
it is almost unfathomable,
every last rock,
was a tree or an animal.

So leave no stone unturned,
'cause every rocks true formation,
it has been confirmed now,
is all petrification.

But what about the story,
of the earth 'terra forming',
over millions of years?
Well the truth now is dawning.

Related image

'Cause what it leads back to,
is the era, pre flood.
Recorded in legends,
& myths & in mud.

Image result for pre flood

That's right, 'mud fossils',
or so they are called.
These things are colossal,
and the world has been fooled.

Education has fooled us,
and this story not resting,
as I said they can prove this,
with DNA testing.

Let's build a timeline,
& step back in the distance.
Once upon a moonshine,
the earth was much different.

Image result for pre flood

Everything was bigger,
than it grows to today,
and the reasons, they figured,
'cause the environment changed.
Image result for giants trees

The atmospheric pressure,
the O2 in the air,
are significantly less,
than today, don't despair,

Image result for oxygen

but yeah, fish grown in tanks,
under 'pre flood' conditions,
of this you can bank on,
they are fish on a mission.

Image result for colourful fish

Their stature is greater,
significantly so,
the way the Creator,
made us all, don't you know.

The trees reached the heavens,
or so we are told,
while today, in our present,
earth is barren & cold.

Big trees equals tropical,
a Garden of Eden.
Our vibes were unstoppable,
every day, every season.

Image result for garden of eden

With humongous cerebrals,
long life span, high intelligence,
but the number one evil,
in that scene weren't so elegant.

I'm trying to prepare you,
no need to be frightened,
I don't mean to scare you,
but once lived these Titans.

So says the book of 'Enoch',
which speaks of the Giants,
& Titans who were cleaned up,
along with their violence.

So this is the picture,
& this info is key:
According to scriptures,
the Titans killed the trees.

Image result for book of enoch

Well, trees produce oxygen,
hence our paradise lost,
and what we have in comparison,
is basically moss.

Image result for no forests on earth moss

Like a fairytale,
in the woods without an end.
These trees reached a scale,
that is hard to comprehend.

We struggle to believe,
what appears before us,
yet the stumps of these trees,
the remains laid out for us,

like breadcrumbs, or scraps,
or left over remnants.
Hidden in plain sight,
are the mountains of evidence.

Image result for giant tree stumps

Such as 'Devils Tower',
to name but a few.
So called 'Giants Causeway',
was living once too.

Unmistakable are,
the hexagonal fibres,
& how science explains it all,
is tough to decipher.

Image result for giant tree stumps

Now the question that's burning,
is how did this arise?
'Cause what tree turns to stone,
right in front of our eyes?

Image result for giant tree stumps

The best indication
we have is from scriptures,
and myths from each nation,
that build up a picture.

Image result for giant tree mythology tolkien

All of the mythologies,
had a tale of a flood,
and that story fits in perfectly,
to the fossils made of mud.

Image result for the great flood

It's written in the bible,
and known of in theology,
but modern teachers idle,
to all of the anomalies.

Folk tales, and fables,
help us build mental constructs,
'cause if ten people call it a duck-
it's a duck.

What these ancient teachings,
all have in common,
is they speak of terrains,
that were once in full blossom.

Image result for pre flood

They tell tales of a flood,
from all corners of the earth,
& how God pulled the plug
on us, in order to turf,

Image result for flood firmament

out the unfriendly Giants,
the Titan destroyers,
who chopped down the trees,
the primary exploiters.

Image result for footprint shaped lake

Throughout all the ages,
there is a well known link,
between animals, rocks and water,
now that's strange don't you think?
Image result for gargoyles water

An example is gargoyles,
as in trolls made of stone,
which carry the water,
off of buildings and homes.

Image result for gargoyles water

Now we're taught that fossils,
take thousands of years,
to form, but that's impossible,
'cause their details are clear.

I just don't believe it
and many folks agree,
& there's another explanation,
that is easier to conceive.

Water & electricity,
is the key to making stone,
and so in the 'Great Flood' you see,
this process upped a tone.

So what we are left with,
are the giants remains,
faces in rocks that lived
in a pre flood terrain.

The rocks were alive,
or so it appears,
we've just got to open,
our eyes and our ears.

For example, skull Island,
the clues in the name,
a hotspot in Thailand,
with auspicious terrain.

Dolphin shaped Islands,
that can't be a coincidence.
The remains you can buy 'em,
in all their magnificence.

Snake heads & elephants,
can be found in their numbers,
and tested for elements,
they're the real natural wonders.

Image result for giant elephant petrified

We pass it off as nonsense,
but in every single nation,
it is in the sub-conscience,
of the older generations.

Image result for old young face art illusion

They say don't pull a face like that,
because you'll turn to stone,
and now we've got to face the fact,
of what our earth once homed.

Image result for giant vagina cave

Now let us venture deeper,
down the rabbit hole we go.
So mythological creatures,
we're real, it seems also.

Petrified dragons,
have been found upon our plane,
frozen in mid-action,
it seems the myths were right again.

We may fear this is delusion,
but wait, 'cause there are bones,
to end all the confusion,
enmeshed within the stones.

Image result for giant bones

& blood stains next to arteries,
on the heads of the giants.
The sheeple may well laugh at me,
but I refuse to stay in silence.

It is not just the ancients,
who make such grand reference,
the memories, they are latent,
deep down within our essence.

Image result for big friendly giant

But now, it is down to us,
to collectively to explore,
and discover for ourselves,
our past in the great outdoors.


  1. I really enjoyed this poem.....what a rabbit hole this is eh?

  2. Wow this is great the of the few things I read all the way down .

  3. I see you found Sevan Bomar's treatise on mountains being petrified trees...You are so amazing what you can do with your Gift!!!...Huge Huggies SiStar GodDess Lisa

  4. If you are unfamiliar with my Unveiling a Titan series on YouTube, you should be! Based on this article, I guarantee you'll love the series.

  5. Great stuff! You might enjoy Roger's channel on YouTube called Mudfossil University
