Essence of Flat Earth

A misconception of the Flat Earth awakening,
is that it's merely about the shape of our turf, and
it's faking.
Wrong, it's about breaking it all down to the basics,
& observing reality, & discarding the
fake shit.
Then fitting each piece of the puzzle together,
from the sun and the moon, to the tides and the weather.
It's about carefully taking each fragment of data,
& posing the question, is there a Creator?
Where did we come from, and where did it begin,
who are the ancients, and can we each look
It's not about conforming or cognitive dissonance,
it's closer to connecting to our child-like innocence.
And remembering the questions we pondered as kids,
that got pushed aside, in a jar, tightened lid.
It's not about misconstructions and meaningless numbers,
it's about waking up to the magic & wonder.
It is more about claiming the right to your soul,
and keeping your brain to yourself, feeling
It's about feeling & experiencing each fragment of
and without interference, knowing that we're divine.
Then whatever they're hiding, or try to conceal,
the Bigger Picture we aim to reveal.
And with the incision
of critical thinking,
the truth stands to reason, even if it is stinking.
Even if what we've been fed is baloney,
& even if the system in place is all phoney.
Even if we're shocked by the extent of the lie,
& we find we're not a rock, in a vast, vacuum
Even if our hypothesis leads to a
dead end,
we'll go back to the drawing
board, and start over again.
It's about our community coming together,
& dumping the lunacy, & free
lancing forever.
What is Flat Earth about in it's true essence?
It's about lifting the veil, even if it's
It's about testing the boundaries, and pushing the
sharing your findings and
questioning physics.
Its about hidden knowledge, & humanity's history,
& discerning reality on all of life's
It's about asking how we landed in this pile of mess,
and who are we really, at our prime, at our best.
Asking what is our absolute true potential?
We know we're not there yet, but our awakenings
It's the ultimate quiz where the waters are muddy,
so we must grasp what is, through our own self discovery.
It's about letting go, under a tree, in the nature,
and knowing inside every cell we're dream makers.
It's about shedding the ego, no longer stage actors,
to knowing what the others think is not even a factor.
It's about looking up to the sky, at the stars,
and asking in the light of it all who we are?
It's about connecting the dots, and sitting in
in awe at this micro-macro cosmic
It's about knowing you know virtually jack, knowledge
and going beyond the false fear of ridicule.
It's about knowing the knowledge is deeply inside us,
& that it's a paradox, yet our earth-heart
can guide us.
It's about remembering the questions we had as mere
and not being afraid to trip up and make blunders.
It's about knowing that learning is about making
& that when you dig deeper, you drop all which is
It can be about the expression of your own creativity,
it's about freedom of thought, of reclaiming our
It's about asking the most basic and fundamental
then conjuring up some outlandish suggestions.
It's about looking at the world with fresh eyes like a
and not giving two hoots who is calling you crazy.
Its about breaking down unquestioned
and asking ourselves if we're at the right junction.
It's about not feeling inferior to societal clubs,
it's about being fearless, and standing strong
in your love.
It's about freeing your mind, to breach the
then fine tooth combing it, to the point of a needle.
It's about throwing mental constructs out the window,
then asking “What the flock do we know?!”.
But for many it's too much to have their mind blasted
they're invested balls deep in this globular
And that is OK, 'cause one size don't fit all,
and even if it oddly, turns out to be a ball... long as we're using our critical thinking,
we'll be making progress, and not 40 winking.
'Cause if Pilots and instructors are having their
then there must be something to question about.
Intelligent people in scientific fields,
coming out clean, and asking straight “What's the
To start with we may have more questions than answers,
and that is OK too, we're conceptual dancers.
We'll pick up the pieces after everything's shattered,
and build it up again with what really matters.
And stand tall, in the mist of it all, fully
this is 'Flat Earth' in its purest essence.
This is a wonderful "heartfull"poem. Thank you.