A Few Questions to Ponder...
1. How can it be explained that balloon footage of Earth from a high altitude at around 23 miles, or 121,000 feet shows no visible curvature?
1. How can it be explained that balloon footage of Earth from a high altitude at around 23 miles, or 121,000 feet shows no visible curvature?
2. How
can it be explained that numerous boats have been observed
go over the horizon with the naked eye,
to reappear again when zoomed in using a high powered camera, when they should no longer be visible according to the maths of the globular Earth?
3. How
can it be explained that light houses, cities, and islands for
example have
been observed at distances where they should no longer be visible according
to the maths of the curved Earth?
4.1 Considering that pilots use gyroscopes to ensure that aeroplanes
fly in a straight line and gyroscopes remain on the level, then how is the curvature being accounted for on a globe earth in this instance?
4.2 Why have numerous airline pilots and flight instructors come forward and said that from their experience the earth appears flat and motionless?
fly in a straight line and gyroscopes remain on the level, then how is the curvature being accounted for on a globe earth in this instance?
4.2 Why have numerous airline pilots and flight instructors come forward and said that from their experience the earth appears flat and motionless?
5. How can compasses work on a ball in the southern hemisphere
if the compass always points north and you are upside down?
6.1 Why
have official pictures of Earth been shown to have been photo
shopped, and
have dramatically different size continents in each composite?
6.2 Why do official pictures of Earth have the word 'sex' written in the clouds?
6.3 Why have official pictures of Earth been shown to have been created
using the photoshop clone tool?
Earths Spin:
7.1 What experiential evidence is there to demonstrate that the Earth spins at 1040 mph at
the equator?
7.2 How
is the atmosphere able to spin around with the globe as we are told, even
at high altitudes where there would be much a wider circumference?
7.3 Which
force keeps this in place?
7.4 If
the atmosphere spins around with the globe, then how can the Coriolis
affect take affect?
8.1 In
order to recreate the vacuum of space on Earth, it is
necessary to enclose the vacuum.
this case, then what is in place to separate the Earth from
the vacuum from space?
8.2 If
no barrier is necessary to separate the Earth from the vacuum of
space then what is the reason for this exception?
8.3 How can a non-vacuum exist in a vacuum, such as Earth,
any of the other planets without the atmosphere being sucked out?
8.4 How
is it possible for astronauts to exist in space if space is a vacuum
when experiments on Earth recreating a vacuum, put astronauts in danger, and water has been demonstrated to boil in a vacuum?
Space Travel
9.1 Why
has man never returned to the moon in 46 years?
9.2 Why
do NASA say that their technology to go to the moon was destroyed and
that they still cannot yet travel through the dangerous van Allen
belts if we already travelled back and forth through them 6 times on the way to the moon, 49 years previously?
Melting Points in Space
Chart of melting points of Various Metals:
Temperatures in the upper thermosphere can range from about 500° C (932° F)
to 2,000°. C.
Spaceships are made of primarily aluminium, and titanium alloys.
The melting point of aluminium is 660.3 °C.
The melting point for titanium is 1,668 °C.
10. If the temperature of the thermosphere in places is higher than the materials used
to travel through it, then how is space travel possible?
Celestial Bodies: Motions, Observations, etc.
11.1 Why does the moon look transparent when observed in the day?
11.2 Why have stars been observed through the
moon as if the moon were transparent?
11.3 How is it possible for the moon to reflect light
from the sun, as a ball?
11.4 Why
do the light and shadow from the moon frequently not match the angle of the suns
light when observed?
Cosmological Observations
12. Why do winter stars not differ from summer stars if looking into opposite directions of the galaxy?
13.1 Why
have lunar eclipses occurred on numerous occasions where the sun was
above the horizon?
in this case was causing the lunar eclipse in these instances?
13.2 Why
does NASA use ancient Flat Earth based Babylonian calculations to
accurately predict eclipses, and yet their own heliocentric maths
can't predict eclipses?
Observations of Sun, Moon and Stars
14.1 What are the mathematical chances of the sun and moon appearing the same size to us as they do?
14.2 What do scientist generally conclude when there are too many coincidences in their theory?
15. Why
do some 'Planets' have a similar appearance of stars when when viewed
through a telescope?
16. Why
do stars look like distinct, unique geometric patterns when viewed through
a telescope similar to sound frequencies created on Earth?

Click for Actual Footage of Stars and Planets
Star Trails
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