Friday 23 August 2019

A Beginners Guide to the Globe Earth Deception

A Beginners Guide to the Globe Earth Deception

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How to describe,
the earth that we stand on?
And are all of our lives,
just an accident, random?

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Let us explore
a few theories and concepts,
so we can get the whole story
in context.

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In recent times
it has come into question,
that the earth as we know it,
may be a deception.

Image result for the globe deception

It may not be round,
like an orange or grapefruit,
and we might never fly
out of here in a space suit.

Image result for orange earth

Life may not have ignited,
from a Big Bang explosion.
And could we be misguided,
about all of the motions?

Image result for big bang hoax

We may not be spinning
one thousand miles at the equator,
and in the beginning,
may have been a Creator.

Image result for flat earth meme michaelson

Some folks are open,
to alternate suggestions,
whilst others shut down,
if there's even a question.

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Many cannot handle,
the notion we've been lied to,
And that is understandable,
but lets not be idle.

Image result for flat earth cognitive dissonance

'Cause many have found,
there's no measurable curve,
so if the earth were round,
this seems somewhat absurd.
Image result for best flat earth memes

Others concluded,
that the earth has no motion,
and all of these hic ups,
have caused quite a commotion.

People have gathered,
online or in physical,
to discuss what our reality is,
& get quizzical.

Image result for flat earth convention

Some folks have suggested,
some kind of hypothesis,
or educated guess,
and the options are bottomless.

Image result for flat earth cosmic egg

And wide speculation
is all well and good,
but if we stick to the facts
then we'll be better understood.

Some chose to focus
on the shape of the crust,
and the lack of observable curve,
as discussed.

Image result for joshua nowicki

Yet there's a mammoth umbrella,
of serial anomalies,
if we put them together,
we might feel a bit wobbly.
Image result for flat earth meme
'Cause it's hard to acknowledge,
that society lied to us.
Betrayal is horrid,
no-one there to confide in sucks.

Image result for flat earth you are not here meme

But it isn't clever,
to swallow a fallacy,
so better late than never,
we must face the reality...

Image result for flat earth meme

And that reality is,
that we can't say with all certainty,
where we are standing,
in this realm Universally.

Image result for there is no shame in admitting what you don't know
But whether you've concluded
that it's flat or a globe,
it's a conundrum,
and the facts are in code.

Image result for intelligent design

The depths of its mystery,
means it must be intelligent,
just one glance at the night sky,
& I'm in awe of her elegance.

Image result for time lapse photo of stars

Night & day is infallible,
this realm is not random,
so there must be some tangible
ground that we stand on.

Image result for barefoot on the flat earth

We might like to think
we can gage the complexity,
but always remains a degree
of perplexity.

Image result for perplexed at the stars

We can't say with all certainty,
with heightened proficiency,
where on earth we are at,
but we can say what it isn't, see.

Image result for flat earth experiments no motion

What its not is a composite,
made from CGI's,
taken from a rocket,
the Apollo's way up high.

Image result for flat earth meme cgi clouds
And it isn't a vacuum,
next to an atmosphere.
Two pressurised systems,
side by side, let's get that one clear.
Image result for vacuum flat earth pressurised systems

It's not an oblate spheroid,
as Tyson once proclaimed,
we don't know all the workings,
but it seems it's self contained.
But what it isn't is a disk,
with water falling off the edge,
what it isn't is whatever
Mr so called 'spaceman' said.
Image result for flat earth

We can ponder what it is,
but here's what it's not,
it's not a giant frisbee,
or a spiraling, shooting rock.

Image result for earth shooting through

Many feel sentimental,
about the globe earth deception,
but it isn't two dimensional,
so let clear that misconception.

Image result for flat earth paper

What it isn't is a psyop,
as in a psychological operation,
& the truth is in plain sight,

upon investigation.

Image result for flat earth is NOT a psyop

You can call it truth seeking,
or a whole wide variety,
but what you should never call it,
is The Flat Earth Society!

Image result for the flat earth society is a psy op meme

You could list up to the sky,
the things that it is not,
& if I was to define the movement,
well, I'll give it a shot...

Image result for flat earth demonstration

You see, countless individuals,
have come to the sound conclusion,
that there's a man made riddle,
that has left us in confusion.

Image result for cosmic riddle question mark

Things aren't what they seem,
we are surrounded by illusions,
& dark occult symbology,
has left us in a state of delusion.

Image result for flat earth 666

And what it all comes back to,
is a trust of our inner-senses,
to win this info battle,
and hurdle all the fences.

Image result for girl child intuition third eye

Some call it geocentrism,
or a stationary plane,
whilst some call it zeteticism,
it's a movement by many names.

Image result for zetetic samuel

Some call it globe denial,
globe sceptic or globe lie.
Heliocentrism is on trial,
with shaky grounds to testify.

Some call it syncretism,
throwing it all in one big pot,
whilst some call it right brain thinking,
& connecting all the dots.

Image result for right brain universe

It's a common understanding,
that the sun is small and close,
& no doubt the lunar landings,
were a great almighty hoax.

To some, it's about the study
of the knowledge from the ancients,
& many just aren't swallowing
his-story with complacence.

Image result for flat earth meme

Some may chose to ridicule,
their heads are in a loop,
yet the evidence is minuscule
for a primordial soup.

Image result for primordial soup

Some call it creationism,
or intelligent design,
or an enclosed, hermetic system,
or just simply divine.

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Some call it an earth-womb,
designed to carry life,
with a yin yang sun & moon,
above a green-blue paradise.

Image result for flat earth sun and moon yin yang

Some call it tuning in
to the wonder and mystique.
A rose by any other name
would smell just as sweet.

Image result for globe earth roses

Or simply call it questioning
the things that we are told,
and seeing where the story

Image result for question everything graffiti


  1. Nice little piece my trying to share this.....respect

  2. You are a truly outstanding wordsmith!
