Tuesday 6 November 2018

Flat Earth- My Journey

Flat Earth- My Journey

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My journey began like any other; as a child,
asking questions about the nature of our reality, and the parameters.

From as early as I can remember, I wanted to know about human history and
who we are in the light of all things.

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Some nights, I couldn't sleep from all the questions I had, 
and my parents ran out of answers.

I wanted to confirm what I felt; the sense of mystery and wonder just at our very existence.

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I contemplated all the biological processes we go though just to exist 
and knew there had to be some kind of intelligence behind it all.

It's a miracle to be alive, I thought.

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I looked around and everyone seemed to be living out their lives mundanely, 
like they'd lost connection with the magic of life and I was determined 
never to forget no matter what. 

I looked around at the adults running this show and thought,  one day I am going be old like them. 

What is stopping me from forgetting, and getting lost in the game, just as they have? 
I was determined not to let this happen.

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One day I remember asking my Mum how far the Earth stretched, assuming it to be flat and diverse. She then explained to me that the earth is round, and if you keep going, you come back to the same place. 

“What do you mean?” I asked baffled. She had to explain a few times, then I grasped what she was trying to say.
The Earth is a ball in Space?!” I was shocked.

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You mean to say the earth we live on has limited resources and we are isolated by billions of light years of nothingness, and we are over populated, destroying the earth, and have no where else to go?!
I was instantly traumatised at the thought of this.

But if my parents were telling me this, and everyone is in agreement, 
then I guess it must be true and how I imagined it to be must have been wrong? 
I concluded reluctantly.

“People used to believe it was flat” she informed me 
“But now they have pictures of the earth so they know it's round”.

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OK, I thought, I'd better start learning about how it really is, 
so I went on to learn the basics of the 'heliocentric model'.

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So I persistently probed as to the nature of our reality
and was frequently shocked by the answers.

“How far away is the sun?” I asked. “93 million miles away” came the answer. 
“You mean to say that we are dependant on something that comes from such an incredible distance, that it is completely out of our reach? Well I guess it works somehow as we're still standing”. 
I concluded reluctantly.

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 I remember being taught that life on earth depends on very specific conditions,
and that we are fortunate to have them all in place, and if any one of them were not in place, 
then life on earth would cease to exist,

 and yet we are also taught that everything is founded on a sequence of accidents. 
All the other so called 'planets', are just rocks, void of life, and we just happen to be fortunate enough to be living in a rare, life giving location in a vast infinite universe known as 
'The Goldilocks Zone'.

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I pondered this notion and concluded that either way, this means that life is a miracle, so why are we not acting like it is in our every day lives? Why are we not in awe at our mere existence?

Then one memorable night, there I stood looking at the stars, and noticed how I keep seeing the same star constellations night after night.

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“But isn't the earth meant to be spinning around it's axis, 
and isn't the earth also meant to be spinning around the sun, 
and isn't the sun meant to be shooting through the galaxy?” 
Then shouldn't the stars be in different positions every night?” I wondered.

Once again, I quizzed my parents how this was possible, and was left unsatisfied with their answer, however something told me I was onto something and I never forgot this night.

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A short time later, I pointed to a bright star in the sky, and my parents said 
“I think that might be a planet.”
“A Planet??!” I thought. “What do you mean? How can a planet look like a star?! 
How does a rock give off light?” Once again, I was baffled.

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 Then one night, I recalled watching a Hollywood movie in which NASA was featured.
“Why is a corporation being presented as some kind of personality in a film?” I wondered.
The thought never went any further than that, but little did I know the level relevance these questions would have in the future.

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I recalled learning in childhood that the ancients used to study the stars 
and that it was very important to them, but all complexity of the motions of the celestial bodies that we are taught that are at play seemed daunting, so I put astronomy on the back burner.

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As a teenager, instead of rebelling by partying and drinking, I rebelled by studying nutrition and trying to live as natural life as possible in an unnatural world.

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In my early 20's, I started practising yoga and meditation but all this time, 
knowing that something was wrong in the world and wanting answers.

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I came across the idea that the moon landings had been faked quite early on, 
but it didn't concern me that much as I hadn't grasped the full implications of such a deception, 
so I concluded, OK, so they probably lied. Now what?

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It was not until years later, in 2015 that a friend came to me, 
looking like he had seen a ghost, and said 
 “You know what, I think the earth is flat!”.

By this stage, I had already tried to make sense of the physical world 
through understanding it from a micro-macro cosmic perspective. 
Believing that the earth is just like an electron, spinning around the sun, 
which is shooting through the Milky Way and so on.

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My immediate reaction was the same as many others,

I thought there were a million reasons why the earth 
couldn't possibly be flat and fired them one after the other.

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“You've just got to watch the videos and see for yourself” he replied.

I had heard a lot of theories, but I had never heard anyone 
seriously question the shape of the earth my whole adult life, 
so this one came as a real surprise, and although I found the concept 
implausible initially, the look on my friends face was genuine shock 
as he had only just stumbled across the material and was still processing it.

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Despite the seemingly illogical, impractical concept of a flat earth on the surface
the curiosity wouldn't leave me. 

I had to see for myself what was convincing people of a flat earth, 

thinking that there must be a million reasons why this was impossible, 
and that I would tare it apart in no time, and show it to be ridiculous.

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It kept bugging me, but it took me around two days to finally go to youtube 
and search the words 'Flat Earth'.

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I flicked through a few videos, keeping an open, yet sceptical mind, 
and quickly noticed that many of the arguments that were made, 
were questions I had been pondering in childhood, 
such as the star constellations always staying the same, 
and so called planets that look like stars close up, 
and the sun not being 93 million miles away based on observations.

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“So it wasn't just me that questioned these things" I thought. 
"What if my questions valid after all?” I wondered.

It seemed that there was more to this theory than I had ever anticipated.

I was however, by no means about to buy into it hook line and sinker, 
but it definitely sparked my curiosity, so I continued to listen 
and questioned what was being said.

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I watched every documentary I could find, but the more I watched, the more questions I had. 

It seemed never ending.

 I had underestimated how much time would be required on this subject, 

or how many subtopics it would open up. 

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I learnt that the rough equation for the supposed earths curve is 8" per mile squared. 
So that means that you take the number of miles of the distance in view, you then times that number by it's self, then you times this number by 8. 

This will give you the number of inches that the object in question should be below the horizon on a globe earth model. 

You can then convert this number into feet or miles. 

I saw countless examples of people who had attempted to 

observe and measure the curve of the earth and failed, 
as well as footage of high altitude air balloons without fish eye lens, 

which appeared to be completely flat. 

Image result for high altitude air balloon flat earth

"But surely it couldn't be for real? That would be crazy

How could so many people have been fooled without anyone noticing?" I thought, baffled.

    It seemed incomprehensible, but never the less, 
I continued to delve deeper into the subject in hope to get to the bottom of it.

 But it wasn't just one thing that got me curious, however, 

it was an accumulation of evidence that got me intrigued.

There was more to this theory than I had ever imagined, 
and I attempted to decipher it the best I could.

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I couldn't let this one go. If there was any chance that it was even partially true, I had to know. 

After all, how could I live for the rest of my life and not even know what I was standing on? 
I needed to understand the nature of our existence. 

Pandora's box had been opened and there was no return. 

The rabbit hole continued to get deeper and deeper. 

Everything got thrown on the table and was up for debate.

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I began reviewing the moon landings again, and learnt in even more detail how unlikely they were.

The amount of evidence was incredible, from the loss of telemetry data, to the moon landing footage that show shadows from different light sources, to the fact that Neil Armstrong refused to take any further interviews, and I could go on. 

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What I hadn't clocked however, was that the supposed first ever picture of earth 
was meant to have been taken during the Apollo 17 moon landings.
But if they were faked, as I had learnt, then the first photo of earth must be fake as well! 

'So whatever shape the earth is, it is being misrepresented for sure'. I concluded.

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But this was not enough. I still needed conclusive irrefutable evidence of a flat earth, 

and its mechanics before I could go around telling everyone about it.

So I began learning in more detail what we are taught about the heliocentric model,
to see if our observations matched.

So the moons light, we are taught, is reflected from the sun, 
and yet on many occasions, the moons light does not line up with the suns light.

When the sun and moon are out in the day we can often observe this.

Another observation that can be made, is that when the moon is in its waxing or waning phases during the day, the unlit part of the moon appears to be see through.
How is the moon a solid object if it appears to be transparent? 
I knew there were official explanations for this anomaly, but I was sceptical.

I started to see that the flat earth theory is about so much more 

than the mere shape of the earth, it's about 
questioning everything. 

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It was starting to look like 'The Emperors New Clothes' I thought

 as childhood memories came flooding back to me where I had questioned 
was I had been taught and the heliocentric model was making less and less sense to me.  

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To think that I was fobbed of to believe that I had been asking silly questions.
But what if they were spot on?  

Then almost 30 years down the line, it all came back to me, 

and there I was, re addressing everything I thought I knew.

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I recalled looking into the horizon as a child, trying to imagine how 

the sea curves around the earth on a globe.  It scrambled my brain thinking about it.

 Then to my surprise, years later, I learnt that when ships are viewed 

through a high powered telescope, they can be brought back into view 
at distances where, on a globe, you would expect them to be concealed by the horizon.  

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I started to probe others to see if there was something I had missed or just didn't understand, 

to get an alternative perspective, but I quickly learnt that the majority of people 
weren't open to questioning the shape of the earth, even as a hypothesis. 

I could understand in a sense, because not so long ago, I 

myself had thought flat earth was a ridiculous notion.

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I guess if you've been told something about your reality, esp your physical reality, 

your whole life, then to be told that it could be all falseis not a small thing. I could get that. 

We all seek security, but what if it is a false security at the cost of our own ignorance? 

So my hope to speculate intelligently with others proved harder than I had imagined it to be.

The cognitive dissonance was rife with this subject. 

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It's no wonder really when we have been led to believe that the concept of a flat earth 

is the most ridiculous notion anyone could conjure up. 

It is often depicted as being held up by turtles and elephants 

or disks in space with the water falling off the edge. 

Not surprising then that very few people were willing to entertain the idea.

So despite the lack of enthusiasm from others I continued my quest for truth.

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I started to question so many things that we take for granted or don't think about, 
like why it is that we only ever see one side of the moon? 

I mean imagine if the sun only ever saw one side of the earth.

What a disaster that would be! 

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So we are taught that it's just by chance that the sun appears to be virtually the same size as the moon, and we are told that the sun is 400 times larger and 400 times the distance of the moon, and yet both appear from our perspective to follow a similar trajectory.  Is this all just coincidence?

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When I started to re address all the unquestioned assumptions we have about where we live 
and it's workings, the official explanations of things were looking more and more dubious.  

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Eclipses are another example of this.

Eclipses are often used to prove the heliocentric model, 
but how can 6 lunar eclipses have been recorded before the sun had set?

This phenomena I learnt is called a selenelion.

I also learnt that the Babylonians used to predict eclipses using the 'Saros cycle'

which is roughly an 18 year cycle.  

It was also suggested that the cause of lunar eclipses was due of an invisible body that the Vedics refer to as Rahu which also happens to have an 18 year cycle.  

Could it be that they were both of these Cosmologies were referring the same phenomena? 

I kept all these things in mind, and continued exploring alternative ways of explaining our cosmology.     

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I remembered back to when I had pondered how it is that the days and nights run like clockwork, and why the earths spin has never decreased due to friction over billions of years.

So we are taught that the rotation of the earth gives us day and night,  
yet not only do we not feel the earths spin, but I learnt that no experiment has ever 
been able to detect a spinning motion on earth 
such as the Michaelson-Morley and the Sagnac Experiment.

Things were looking more and more curious by the minute.

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I learnt that an 'analemma' is a sequence of photographs of the sun, taken throughout a year at the same time and location, which when viewed in timelapse, draws out a figure 8 in the sky. 

The shape it forms however, demonstrates that there is a clear difference between the path of the sun in the north compared to the so called south as the loop that points towards the north, is always found to be smaller and higher up, whereas the larger loop, which points towards the so called south appears to be much larger and lower on the horizon.  

Once again, official explanations for this are questionable, and what is interesting is that 

on a flat earth model, the so called 'south' is significantly wider than the north due to it being on the outer ring of a circle, so the analemma is much better explained on a flat earth model in this instance.

As a side note, it is also important to bear in mind that although compasses show a North South East and West direction, every compass point North, therefore, the other directions are simply presumed.

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I recalled back to when I had questioned as a child, 

how it is that the earths atmosphere can be contained next to the so called 'vacuum' of space? 

I was made to think that it was just me asking these 'silly' questions, 

but now I am finding that thousands if not, then millions of others 
are asking the same kind of questions, 
so maybe they weren't such silly questions after all?

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So, unless it was some kind of cosmic joke that makes the earth appear as flat and stationary, 
then how can it be otherwise? I wondered. 

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By then, I had found an abundance of reasons to doubt the heliocentric model, 
but there were still so many unanswered questions. 

It was however, looking less and less likely that the earth and the so called 'solar system' 

was what we are taught it is and that was a difficult place to be in for myself and many others.

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This is understandable considering that from young, 
we are presented with visual images and models of the solar system.

. We are told there is nothing to explore and that the scientists and explorers have figured it all out. Then as adults, to have that all ripped away, and to realise that everything we have learnt 

about the world we live in might be false is hard

But either way, I needed to know the truth.

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I listened to flat earth debunkers on other side of the fence, to see if there were reasonable explanations for the apparent anomalies within heliocentrism, but their answers were not satisfying.

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It all seemed to come back to lack of measurable curvature. 

Some argued that refraction can account for this, and that the light bends with the curve of the earth. 
At the same rate as the presumed earths curve you mean?! 

I remember it being said that if there are too many coincidences, 

then you have to question your theory and I think this applies here. 

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So we are seeing light houses, buildings, and Islands and so on, close to the horizon, and even when you take into account their height and the height of the observer, they should be obscured according to the maths on a globe earth.

Are we meant to believe that refraction can account for all of this? 

But refraction is a variable not a standard, which we are taught is dependant on varying atmospheric conditions such as humidity and temperature, so how can light be bending at the same rate as the curvature of the earth consistently in this case? 

This argument is clearly flawed. 

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And now we are finding that with infrared cameras, atmospheric conditions can be eliminated, 
which enable us to see distances that should be impossible on a ball 
with a circumference of 25,000 miles. 

The Colorado mountain range footage is an excellent example of this, 

which was found to be visible at around 500 miles away. 

Even when we take into account the height of the observer, the base of these mountains 

should have been at obscured by at least ten miles of curve on a globe earth.

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'So if the earth really is flat...' I wondered, '...then what is at the edge?' 

This is one of the first questions people will ask when exploring with the concept of flat earth,

and I was no exception. 

The simplest and most basic answer is Antarctica.

On a globe, Antarctica is the circle of ice depicted at the 'bottom' of the globe, 

but on a flat earth, Antarctica is said to surround the outer rim of the flat earth. 

But what evidence is there for this?  

Well in the 1700's, Captain Cook explored the outer rims of Antarctica in hope to find an entrance. This voyage took him three and a half years approximately to complete, in which time he clocked an estimated 66,000 miles. 

The circumference of the so called 'globe' is said to be 25,000 miles, is it not far fetched then to believe that Cook sailed 66,000 miles around a relatively small ring at the bottom of a 'globe'? 

Would it not make more sense that he might have sailed around the outer perimeters of a flat earth?

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 Richard Admiral Byrd was the greatest explorer of his time.
He explored the Antarctic regions between the 1920's right through to the 1950's. 

After his expeditions, he took an interview on national television where he stated that he had discovered an unexplored continent over the south pole as big as the American continent. 

On a globe, this extra continent would have to be located somewhere in the middle 

of the Indian ocean, so the existence of this other continent would make more sense on a flat earth model of the world.

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Shortly after Admiral Byrd's expeditions, the Antarctic treaty was put in place, which restricted explorations of this vast area.

One year later, NASA was established. 

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Then in 1907, a 1000 year old Japanese flat earth map was said to have been discovered in a Buddhist monastery which was published in a Hawaiian news paper. 

It depicted the continents that we are familiar with, in addition to numerous other continents,   

and although this cannot be considered proof, it is interesting how this could be seen to line up with Admiral Byrd's claims of having discovered another continent. 

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I continued to listen to interviews from professionals in many fields, including engineers, commercial airline pilots, and flight instructors, as well as a navy missile instructor, who had all come to question the heliocentric model based on their own first hand experiences.

 Hmm, I thought. “They're putting their careers and reputation at risk 

to say these things, and they sound intelligent and authentic. 
Who would want to go through all that if it wasn't true? 

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Despite all the evidence that was stacking up against the heliocentric model, 
there were still things that I struggled to understand, 
like why the sun appears to 'set' on a flat earth.

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I then watched footage of the sun in time lapse, which gives the appearance of the sun 
getting smaller as it traverses towards the horizon, 
which would not happen if the sun was 93 million miles away. 

It was suggested that the sun disappears due to perspective.

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  Then I watched footage of the sunset filmed with a Nikon P900 camera, 
which demonstrated that when you zoom into the sun when it is 'setting', 
it appears to rise up again. 

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The suns crepuscular rays also give the impression that the sun is relatively close,
but more importantly, there is no proof that the earth spins on it's so called axis what so ever.  

Although I still had lots of unanswered questions I concluded that if this is the case, then the suns motion being the cause of sunrise and sunset 

was a lot more plausible than the earth motion.

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So to my initial surprise, the evidence for disputing the heliocentric model turned out to be more than I had ever anticipated.  In fact, I only included a small fraction of the material that is out there regarding 'flat earth' in this piece, as the Subtopics that relate to it are immense.  So let's start by looking at what some of these topics might include:

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Flat Earth Subtopics

Studies of Ancient and Modern Day Cosmologies
Religions, and Holy Scriptures
History and Timelines
Curvature, Perspective and Refraction
Geology, and Cartography
Flight paths and Gyroscopes
Space Agencies, including the Moon Landings,
Satellites, Vacuums,
Antarctica, Captain Cook, Admiral Byrd,
Operation Fishbowl,
Operation High Jump,
Tesla/ Free energy,
Sono illuminessence,
& Etimology

to name but a few!

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Some of these topics might take a lifetime of study on their own,
so hopefully this will give an indication as to the immense scale of research that one might embark when tackling this subject.  

Firstly this tells us that no one has all the answers to everything.  Secondly it means that syncretism is essential if we are to refine our understanding of the world, and thirdly it means that those who take the time to study this vast umbrella of topics are typically highly knowledgeable due to the diversity of the subjects they will inevitably encounter.  And of course you would need to be to pretty informed to make such claims that go against the mainstream point of view.  

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Compare this for a minute, to what we are taught in schools regarding our true cosmology.  The teachings are quite pale in comparison. Which brings me to the next topic: 

The Educational System

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Where to begin?!  Well let's start by hypothesising that in this day and age, everybody was taught in schools that the earth is flat.  Bearing in mind that only a few hundred years ago, this was the standard belief.  So if you were born into these times, what shape do you think you would believe the earth to be?  Flat right?  You might say, yes but people were ignorant then, and now we are living in an advanced society.  Well I would question that we are living in an advanced society but that is another topic.

The point is, that because of the way people function socially, we will generally accept  what we are taught at face value.  An example of this is religion.  

So if you were born in a Christian culture, more likely you will become a Christian.
If you were born in a Muslim culture, more likely you would become and Muslim.
If you were born in a Hindu culture, more likely you would become a Hindu,
and so on.

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So why then, do we think that so called 'scientific' belief systems are any different?
We all know that statistics and can be manipulated, same goes for his-story.
We might also like to think that we know that there are always two sides to a story.

So as a suggestion, what if schools were able to give their students the tools to carry out their own experiments to determine for themselves where we live?  This would take their education away from classroom and the text books, to apply what they learn into the real world.  It would also allow the students to use their own initiative as to what is true or false.

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Another thing that might be worth considering is that in this technological day and age,  it seems that anything is possible in the virtual world.  In addition, kids are strapped to their phones and computers and spending less and less time outside.  How then, are they able to determine what is real and what isn't?  From this perspective, I feel that it is even more important to learn skills to help us observe and measure reality at its most basic level, to determine what is true and false.

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It is also important to bear in mind that the way the education system is set up, children are bombarded with so much information, much of which is exam based, leaving them no time to question what they are learning, and even if they did question what they were being taught, they could risk failing the exam so it wouldn't be in their favour to do so.

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We somehow forget that children are naturally curious beings that have a innate desire to explore the outside world.  They then go to school where they are quickly taught that the earth is a globe, and that we've pretty much mapped everything out, and that there's nothing left to explore.  Humans are primarily visual learners, and yet we are bombarded with images of the globe and told this is where we live, before we are at an age to think critically.

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I addition, it has been said that there are three primary ways in which the subconscious mind can be programmed, which involves symbolism, repetition and trauma.  This is very telling because the teaching of the globe model involves symbolism and repetition and some would argue trauma.

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And so, our perception of 'reality' becomes firmly grounded in the belief system that we live on a globe and we carry out our every day lives with this at the foundation of our thoughts.  
Then to be told in adulthood, that actually what your teachers and parents taught you was in fact a fairy tale is too much for most to take on board.  By which time, that once curious mind, has become become lazy, and we are just trying to get by our everyday lives, and perhaps we feel that if we took too many steps back to reflect on it all, our lives would fall apart?

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People generally like to feel that they have a good base understanding of things.  Virtually nobody comes to the conclusion that the earth is flat overnight.  For most, it's a looong, psychologically challenging process.  The intermittent stages can be very unnerving, which is completely understandable.  However for many it is too much to bear to be in a place of limbo, and to admit that as adults, that we can't actually be certain of where we live.  Plus, subconsciously we know that if we can be lied to about the shape of the earth, then we could have been lied to about a whole lot more and this is daunting.

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And fore sure, there will always be some who will adamantly insist without any doubt or speculation that the mainstream narrative is 100% correct regarding the globe model of the world.  It is completely reasonable that we should question everything we are told, and certainly it is down to our own discretion to reach whichever conclusion that we feel are fit using our own discernment, but that works both ways. 

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However, if someone has been exposed to a fair dose of material disputing various aspects of the heliocentric model, as well as being exposed to the space hoax material and their eye brows are not raised slightly by any of the countless anomalies and inconsistencies, and a person continues to maintain that everything is most certainly exactly as they were taught it was, then I honestly have to wonder whether that person or people are capable of challenging their view points on such matters at all when reasonable evidence is presented to them.

The definition of cognitive dissonance is the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change.  It is certainly understandable that if you have carried a certain belief system or world view for a lifetime, that you will naturally feel uncomfortable when that world view is challenged, esp if the nature of the world view is the world its self.  We could then predict that many may be unwilling or prepared to give up their original belief systems without compelling evidence.  

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The issue however is that logic may not be the only determining factor in our evaluation process.  Could it be that many of us may have an emotional attachment to the globe model, which for the majority of us represents our original primary belief?

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People pride themselves on their intelligence and understanding of the world.  Many of them have built up a tower of knowledge over their lifetime, much of which is rooted in globe model of the world.  If they were then to think that their most basic core understanding of the physical world could be flawed in a fundamental way, then they might have to readdress everything they thought they knew and this may hurt their pride, because firstly they would have to admit that they are just as susceptible as anyone else to brainwashing and manipulation.

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They might then have to take a look at their infant 'ego', that once sought approval from their teacher or parent for being a 'good' student for getting all the answers 'right'.  Perhaps also, our present sense of self as well as our sense of self worth are rooted in our self image that was developed around this age, and so, in order to challenge core belief systems that we formed during this time, we might unconsciously feel like we are having our identity ripped away from us.

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We all like to think that we have matured since this time, but if we have formed many of our belief systems because of a natural desire to feel accepted in our community by those who we were once dependant on, then I feel that it is important to reassess these belief systems in adulthood with a critical thinking mind to see if they still hold true.

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So because of the way in which humans are wired socially, we have a natural tendency to hold views that we feel will be generally accepted by our peers.  To go against this hard wired instinct within us takes a lot of strength, so it is important to bear this in mind when addressing these topics.  

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This also poses the philosophical question as to 
 whether the way in which we are wired socially is always to our greatest benefit, or whether our social make up inhibits our ability to discern truth from fiction, therefore leaving us open to manipulation.

I would say then, that in order to gain a better understanding, it is just as much about letting go, and knowing ourselves as it is about the cognitive processes that are involved.  

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Final Words

When I started to question the official narrative regarding our cosmology, my hope was either to get confirmation from others that I was on the right track, or otherwise, to be provided with irrefutable proof that the heliocentric model was indeed the correct one after all.

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When I probed others for feedback, I was frequently met with resistance and discouragement, so I learnt that I had to let go of needing confirmation from others. The question was, whether I thought it was worth investigating and the answer was a definite YES. So there were no more crutches. No manual to refer to. I was left to make up my own mind on everything.

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For a long time, I struggled to find a working model, but at some point, I came to accept that any cosmological model is naturally going to take time to develop. After all, the heliocentric model wasn't put together in 5 minutes, how then could we expect as a community, in the space of under 5 years, to come up with a perfect working model without proper funding? We can't. The earths shape and it's mechanics is subject to an ongoing investigation.

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So despite having more questions than answers, it was clear that where we live has been vastly misrepresented to us, and maybe there will always be a degree of mystery regarding our true cosmology, and perhaps it was designed that way, so maybe, part of this journey is about coming to accept that, and being in awe of it all.

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What excites me however, is how it is brings people together from all walks of life, to share skills, observations, and original thoughts, and to our credit, we have gathered an incredible body of information in a relatively short space of time, and I am confident that as time goes on, we will continue to refine our knowledge and understanding.

The Flat Earth Movement

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Which brings me to the next subject, the Flat Earth movement.
So how did it begin?

In reality, geocentrism has always been around, however, it wasn't until around 2015 that the subject started to get taken more seriously. This was largely due the release of Eric Dubay's “200 proofs the earth is not a spinning ball”, which went viral.

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This gave millions of people reason to question the official narrative, and it is thanks to the internet, that we have been able to share information independently, so that people have been able to connect the dots together in ways which was never before possible.

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And now, there are countless youtube channels dedicated to the investigation of our true cosmology, and each one of them has their own angle on the subject, so you certainly wont go short of material anytime soon.

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 There is even flat earth music culture with in every kind of genre, including rock, pop, reggae, jazz and even country music. 

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 Plus there are so many ways you can get involved, for example, last year, the 'Globe Lie Tour Bus' passed through 52 destinations throughout the UK, engaging with the public on the subject, and this year they will be touring Europe.  In addition, there are flat earth meet ups, camps, and conventions popping up everywhere.

cover photo, Image may contain: 17 people, people smiling, people standing, tree, outdoor and nature

When you step into this arena, it's like taking the degree of your life time. You wont get a certificate at the end of it, but you will have a better innerstanding of the world we live in, and that is worth having.

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  1. Superb blog......and you're right, the earth is flat.
    In fact, it's as flat as a pancake.
    We have been lied to by evil beings.

  2. A satisfying read; thank you - always good to hear another perspective
