Saturday 9 September 2017

Why Lie?

Why Lie?

Why does it matter the shape of the Earth?
Are you mad as a hatter, do you know your own worth?

Why is it important, the place that we live?
Me thinks something's dormant in our heads while 'They Live'.

Life's Biggest question, 'How did we come to be',
is not worth a mention? Well fuck me!

Now if it don't matter, the shape of the Plane-t,
then neither do we, and neither does the mechanics.

Nor does the environment, and the way it all ticks,
then we should all remain silent, and leave it down to those pricks...

...'cause they're doing a great job, sure, they've got things in order,
yeah right, with their paint job, CGI trina fool ya.

So they show us a painting and call it 'Blue Marble',
and we're meant to sit there in awe and just marvel.

So why does it matter, that 19 odd billion,
is handed to NASA, via slave mason civilians?

Why does it matter, if land's being hidden,
if parts of our Tierra, sectioned off and forbidden?

Why would it matter, if there were other continents,
and that each of our nations, have been bred with incompetence?

Why does it matter if we've lied to our children,
for twenty generations, intellectually killed 'em?

Why does it matter, that we don't have one photo,
of Pacha Mama from space, and space travel's a no go?

What if 'Man's Greatest Achievement', was all a Big Lie,
with tricks up their sleeves, and they never did fly.

Why does it matter, if we'll never go to Mars,
at 'terminal velocity', and escape this sherade?

Why does it matter if they're taking your money,
& spacemen are actors? Well who gives a monkey?!

Why does it matter if we didn't evolve,
in the way that they told us, and the Earth don't revolve?

Why does it matter if the sun ain't that far,
and neither are the celestial, bodies or stars?
Why does it matter, if they're suppressing technology,
based on the Tesla coil & Geocentric cosmology?

Why does it matter if the maps are all wrong,
with different size continents, all composites, come on!


Why would it matter if the Earth's not a Globe,
and the truth in plain sight, right in front of your nose?

Why would it matter, if the ancients were right,
and the Earth doesn't move, and our teachings are shite?

Why does it matter if modern science is wrong,
that holds the ball lie together, and the list still goes on!

What if we discovered that we're not on the ball,
and that nothing is slightly, what they tell us at all?

What if the stars all revolve around us?
Wouldn't that be bizarre, and quite scandalous!!

Why does it matter that we're paying their wages,
so they can secure us, boxed up in our cages?

So they can play silly games with our heads,
& the true nature of our reality, is given no cred.

What if they're lying, to make us confused,
with our heads madly spinnin', in these make believe zoos?
...and what if they know, that the Bigger the lie,
then the small ones will be easy and peasey as pie.

Now why would it matter, if our species was farmed?
Of course it don't matter, there's no cause for alarm!!

Why does it matter, if they're hiding resources,
whilst we're breaking our backs, and don't know what 'The Source' is?

Admiral Byrd Interview
Why would it matter if the Earth was unique,
and made by design, full of wonder, mystique?

What if without their BS we'd fly higher,
divinely inspired, living out our desires...

What if we're not a mere 'rock flying through space',
and that if we came to know this, we might stop all the chase...

and realise the treasures on Earth and get grounded,
start working together, a little less clouded?

So sorry to drop all this info like 'acid'
but if it was true, the implications are MASSIVE.